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Will Thug Life Meme Coin 100x? | Finbold: A New Crypto Listing to Watch Today

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The meme coin season is well underway, with Pepe coin’s 10,000% rally still the talk of the town. New tokens are entering the market every day, looking to replicate Pepe’s success.

However, few projects have had as much success as the new Thug Life meme token, which many experts believe to be one of this year’s must-watch tokens.

After selling out its $2 million presale in less than three weeks, $THUG is set to list on a decentralised exchange at 18:00 Central European Time. The project will also have a special livestream event at 1745 Central European Time on Telegram.

Presale $THUG holders will also be able to claim their tokens after the listing.

The launch has whipped meme coin enthusiasts into a frenzy as it may be their last opportunity to still get in early and purchase the token at a cheap price.

Experts Believe Thug Life Can Be The Next 100x Meme Token

It was only a matter of time before the Thug Life movement entered the meme coin market. Popularised by Hip-Hop legends like Tupac, Snoop Dogg and Ice Cube, it refers to a devil-may-care attitude and the willpower to win at all costs despite previous losses.

Therefore, it is no surprise why the token has struck such a chord with the meme coin community. Traders in this market have seen extreme volatility and suffered heavy losses. Some have lost their life savings on one bad investment, while others have been conned by pump-and-dump schemes.

However, the Thug Life token is offering such investors an opportunity to right the ship. The self-proclaimed “baller’s meme coin” has built a strong community with the power of humour, brotherhood and resiliency and is now looking to leverage it to generate explosive price growth.

No wonder experts are backing $THUG to become the next global meme coin phenomenon. Popular crypto YouTuber Michael Wrubel with over $300k subscribers believes that the token will generate a 100x price surge and has called it “the next Shiba Inu”.

Another YouTuber Clinix Crypto with 30k subscribers also backs the token and reveals that he has personally brought the token.

The project’s extreme popularity was visible in its stellar presale performance when it raised $2,058,000 in just under 3 weeks. However, there is significant unspent demand, which is generating tremendous hype and FOMO for the upcoming launch.

A Low Cap Gem with Fair Tokenomics

Despite its incredibly popular narrative, the Thug Life team is not resting on its laurels. They have adopted community-driven tokenomics to further boost user adoption.

After all, this project is rumoured to be from the same team that was behind the extremely successful SpongeBob meme token, which saw 100x gains earlier this year.

As mentioned, 70% of the tokens have already been sold in the presale, which had a hard cap of $2,058,000.  Furthermore, the Thug Life meme coin will launch with an initial market capitalization of just $2,940,000 and regular $THUG burns will also result in a deflationary token supply.

In fitting with its community-first approach, 15% of $THUG’s 4.2 billion token supply has been dedicated to community giveaways.

Assuming that $THUG is able to at least maintain its price of $0.0007 after the DEX launch, this means the community will receive giveaways at least $400,000.

The remaining 15% is reserved for marketing, with the project keen to get a wave of influencers on board to help pump the $THUG price, and DEX liquidity

Indeed, the team behind Thug Life has committed to locking liquidity upon its launch on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) for at least three months.

This is a rare move in the meme coin space and should ensure a better trading environment, as well as removing the possibility of a rug pull or token dump.

The project is clearly valuing quality over quantity and is looking to drive up $THUG’s value through scarcity. 

Despite its low-cap status, Thug Life is targeting a market capitalisation of $100 million and is aiming to be listed on Tier-1 centralised exchanges. 

Investors interested in the token need to rush to its Twitter and Telegram accounts to make sure they do not miss any major updates. 


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Author: Kenneth Pugh

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Name: Kenneth Pugh

Birthday: 1956-09-02

Address: 171 Anderson Track, Dawnton, PA 55645

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Job: Financial Analyst

Hobby: Playing Guitar, Billiards, Cooking, Skiing, Playing Chess, Hiking, Role-Playing Games

Introduction: My name is Kenneth Pugh, I am a treasured, enterprising, receptive, brilliant, unwavering, resolute, bold person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.